
Plastic Running Rail – designed for the future

By November 26, 2013 October 27th, 2014 No Comments

Simtrack has been well aware of the growing need for plastic running rails in the Australian market. For decades it has been the rail of choice for horse race tracks throughout Europe – seen as a far safer material to race against, limiting injury to both horse and rider in the event of an accident.

In 2007 Simtrack begun its research and development into a plastic rails with four critical objectives in mind

  1. 1) User friendly design to assemble and move
  2. 2) Cost effectiveness for the racing industry
  3. 3) Highest possible Safety level
  4. 4) Maximum warranty and product longevity.

Over the past 5 years experimentation with various rail profiles and materials has been conducted, together with numerous assembly designs. Crucial areas where the bulk of time was invested were the posts attachment to both rail and ground fixing that is essential to achieving the highest safety rating.


Consultation has also proved a key part in our development process. Speaking with track staff already utilizing plastic rails highlighted many areas requiring improvements from an end user’s point of view. Much of this information took us in the direction of making the design as simple as was possible with fewer parts in assembly.

Simtrack is currently nearing the final stages of its plastic rail development. We are excited and looking forward to providing a new and more affordable option for the horse racing industry. Both fixed and movable rail designs will be made available, so if you are considering purchase of plastic running rails in the near future, please contact us for more information about their release dates.


Author admin

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